See Design Options for Waterside Way Park and Trails in East End

Published on: 2021/10/18 - in News

Community members, particularly those residing in the city’s East side, have been invited to see the design options for Waterside Way Park and Trails by joining an online engagement session at 6pm on Wednesday, October 27 .

City staff will review feedback received during public engagement over the summer during the session, as well as introduce the conceptual trail plan, and share the park concepts and playground options. During this hour-long online event, residents will have an opportunity to ask questions and offer feedback on the options presented.

Those interested in participating can register to attend the online engagement session or, if you would prefer to follow along without asking questions, watch the meeting on the City’s YouTube channel where it will be closed captioned and live-streamed.

Then view the signage on Waterside Way that displays the conceptual trail plan, the park concepts and playground equipment options, followed by completing the playground equipment survey and offer comments online between October 27 and November 17.

Alternatively, you can request a paper copy of the survey by calling 613-546-0000 and the City will mail you a postage-paid envelope to return the survey to City Hall. Residents can also choose to complete the survey over the phone with City staff by calling 613-546-0000.

The proposed .72 hectare (1.78 acres) park will include a mid-sized playground, an open lawn/play field and pedestrian pathways with seating.

The proposed trails run through an environmentally protected wooded area that buffers the subdivision from the river. They are to be natural, of modest scale and will connect to the new park. A lookout site that is to be naturalistic in design, is proposed for the water’s edge as part of the trail plan.

For any enquiries about the proposed development or to provide accessibility feedback related to the development please contact (in accordance with Ontario Regulation 191/11).

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