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Utilities Kingston Offers Seasonal Utility Safety Advice

Utilities Kingston offers these safety tips to help protect your home, property and loved ones this season.  Kingstonians concerned about the safety of a utility serviced by Utilities Kingston can call the 24-hour line at 613-546-1181. Keep gas and electrical meters clear: Although your outdoor gas meter is designed to withstand winter weather, heavy or… Keep Reading

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CRCA Warns of Weaker Ice Conditions in Local Watershed

The Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) issued a Watershed Conditions Statement on Thursday. It advises local residents to stay off of ice covered water bodies and away from unstable creek banks. The advisory come as recent rainfall has increased creek and lake levels, leading to weaker ice conditions in the Cataraqui Region watershed. The purpose… Keep Reading

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The City and Utilities Kingston Post Winter Safety Reminders

Winter is upon us – and so is the need to be aware of winter-related safety tips. The City and Utilities Kingston urge you to review these seasonal reminders: 1. Be a good neighbour. Show your family, friends and neighbours you care about their comfort and safety – keep your sidewalk clear of snow and… Keep Reading

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Kingston Fire & Rescue Offers Halloween Safety Reminders

Kingston Fire & Rescue offers these tips to make sure you have a safe and fire-free Halloween on Monday. HALLOWEEN SAFETY TIPS: –       Costumes should be fire retardant and reflective. Keep costumes short, avoid loose clothing and capes to reduce the chance of tripping or contact with candles. Teach children to stop, drop… Keep Reading

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CRCA Issues Watershed Conditions Statement – WATER SAFETY

The Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority (CRCA) has issued a Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety for the Kingston region. With temperatures warming up this week, area residents are urged to stay clear of any ice-covered surfaces, open waterways, ponds, lakes and ditches. The forecast warmer weather is expected to lead to snow and ice melting,… Keep Reading

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Utilities Kingston Offers Snow-Related Safety Advice

Don’t shovel or blow snow onto gas meters and fire hydrants: after a significant snow fall in the area, Utilities Kingston offers these safety tips to help protect your home, property and loved ones this winter. Kingstonians concerned about the safety of a utility serviced by Utilities Kingston can call the 24-hour line at 613-546-1181.… Keep Reading

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Utilities Kingston Offers Seasonal Utility Safety Tips

Utilities Kingston offers these safety tips to help protect your home, property and loved ones this season.  Kingstonians concerned about the safety of a utility serviced by Utilities Kingston can call the 24-hour line at 613-546-1181. Protect internal plumbing from freezing: Extended periods of extremely cold weather can put internal plumbing at risk, especially exposed… Keep Reading

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