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Kingston to Host Ontario Catholic Women’s League Convention

The Ontario Provincial Council of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada will gather in Kingston, Ontario, July 7 – 11, 2012 for the 65th Annual Provincial Convention. The event will be held at the Ambassador Conference Resort, 1550 Princess Street, Kingston. Over 350 members from across the province of Ontario are expected to come together… Keep Reading

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Study: Religion Helps People Gain Self-Control

Thinking about religion gives people more self-control on later, unrelated tasks; according to results from a series of recent Queen’s University study. “After unscrambling sentences containing religiously oriented words, participants in our studies exercised significantly more self-control,” says psychology graduate student and lead researcher on the study, Kevin Rounding. Study participants were given a sentence… Keep Reading

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Queen’s University Considers School of Religion Integration

In a recent announcement, Queen’s University and Queen’s School of Religion have formally entered discussions to explore the possibility of integrating the school back into the University. According to the principals of both schools, the proposed move will take place in 2012, which is the centenary of the current affiliation agreement between the School and… Keep Reading

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