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INTERLOVE Project Seeks Interfaith Couples for Photo Series

The INTERLOVE Project, a documentary photography series exploring how people with differing beliefs come together in love and shared respect, is seeking participants in Kingston. The project is the work of  award-winning photographer, Colin Boyd Shafer – a 2014 TEDXToronto speaker and creator of Cosmopolis Toronto. INTERLOVE is seeking interfaith couples to participate in the documentary which aims to photograph and… Keep Reading

Posted on in Entertainment

Frontenac High School Students Exhibit Photos at Pump House Steam Museum

A new exhibit at the Pump House Steam Museum features the work of photography students at Frontenac Secondary School. ‘Industry Through the Lens‘ includes unexpected images of Kingston’s industrial past and present, from breweries to bread making. This exhibit pulls back the curtain on some of Kingston’s most fascinating sites and stories. The exhibit will… Keep Reading

Posted on in Releases

Benefits of Digital Photography Extolled in KCVI Workshop

This semester the Grade 12 photography classes at Kingston Collegiate and Loyalist Collegiate participated in photography workshops with retired teacher and photographer, Karen Dolan. The photographs are extraordinary visual examples of the students’ creative interpretations of their everyday and ordinary surroundings. This body of work communicates a maturity and confidence normally seen in the work… Keep Reading

Posted on in Entertainment/News

Bryan Adams Launches Photography Website

Today, Kingston born singer Bryan Adams posted on his Twitter account: i’ve just launched my photography website. check it out if ya have a few minutes… Visiting the site instantly loads a random set of photos from one of his shoots, with a “Photographs” link at the top of the page for visitors to easily… Keep Reading

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