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Amazon Ranks Kingston as Top 10 Most Romantic City

Once again, Amazon has recognized Kingston as one of Canada’s Top 10 Most Romantic Cities. Its seventh annual ranking by was determined by compiling a year’s worth of data from the purchases of items that include romance novels and relationships books, romantic comedies, Amazon’s sexual wellness store, jewelry sales, and romantic music. Victoria, BC was… Keep Reading

Posted on in Entertainment/Featured

Kingston 2015 Santa Claus Parade Winners Announced

The Santa Parade Committee has announced the award winners in this year’s Night Time Santa Parade. Mild temperatures helped swell the 2015 parade’s crowd to over 20,000 people. Featuring 55 entries, the procession culminated with a large crowd gathering in Springer Market Square to meet Santa Claus himself. He was joined by Kingston Mayor Bryan… Keep Reading

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United Way Volunteers Receive Ontario Service Awards

Every year, the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship Immigration and Trade hosts receptions in communities across the province to recognize individuals for their years of continued volunteer service with not-for-profit organizations. This year, nine local United Way KFLA volunteers, who have demonstrated a long-term volunteering commitment, were recognized during a special ceremony held on Wednesday, June… Keep Reading

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Kingston Soldiers to be Invested into Order of Military Merit

On Monday, June 8, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, will preside over an Order of Military Merit investiture ceremony at Rideau Hall, where he will bestow the honour on 2 Commanders, 8 Officers and 38 Members. The 48 Order of Military Merit recipients include two local soldiers… Keep Reading

Posted on in Entertainment/Featured

Dan Aykroyd Wines Awarded at Canadian Wine Championships

Two of Dan Aykroyd’s Diamond Estate wines were recently awarded at the 2015 All Canadian Wine Championships held in Prince Edward County, Ontario. It was the 35th anniversary for the three day event, which featured a record 1356 entries from 237 wineries, meaderies and cideries that were critiqued by a panel of 19 judges. The… Keep Reading

Posted on in Featured/Releases

Lake Ontario Park Revitalization Wins Design Award

The work to revitalize Lake Ontario Park has been awarded a regional citation by the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA), which has announced its 2015 Awards of Excellence winners. The awards recognize the best in Canadian landscape architecture and the projects that define the places we live, work and play. The Scott Wentworth Landscape… Keep Reading

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Kingston Mayor Paterson Honoured by City of Watertown

On Wednesday, Kingston Mayor Bryan Paterson was honoured by his counterpart in Watertown, NY. According to local media, Paterson spoke to members of the Noon Rotary during their luncheon at the Italian-American Civic Association. Following his address – where he talked about Kingston’s own Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister – Paterson was… Keep Reading

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