Utilities Kingston invites homeowners to participate in a free workshop intended to help them manage excess water on their property and prevent basement flooding, while complying with the City of Kingston “Sewer Use By-Law”.
Have standing water on your property? Notice your sump pump running frequently? The ‘Everything Drainage’ workshop is for you – and for every homeowner who would like to make every raindrop count to conserve tap water.
“Learning how storm water and rainfall should be handled on your property can help you conserve water, reduce the risk of water damage to your property, and help protect your neighbours from basement flooding and sewage back-ups,” says Stephen Sottile, Conservation Officer for Utilities Kingston.
You will learn:
• Home Drainage 101
• Simple, do-it-yourself drainage solutions
• About the Preventative Plumbing Program – the popular financial assistance program to help homeowners install plumbing measures that reduce the risk of sewage back-ups and basement flooding
• How to disconnect downspouts that are illegally connected to the sanitary sewer
• How to manage standing or excess water using landscaping techniques
The remaining workshops, offered at the times below, are part of the Utilities Kingston Water Wise Workshops series and takes place at its Water Conservation Garden, 1211 John Counter Boulevard. The sessions are delivered by Hearthmakers Energy Cooperative.
• Wednesday, May 21, 6-8pm
• Saturday, June 7, 1-3pm
• Saturday, June 14, 1-3pm
To register for one of the above Everything Drainage Workshops, call 613-546-0000 and say “conservation”, or send an email to conservation@utilitieskingston.com, contact Hearthmakers Energy Cooperative at 613-547-8122 , or visit UtilitiesKingston.com.
Release source: City of Kingston | Photo:Wendy Piersall (cc)