RELEASE — As of today, January 4, 2022, Ontarians will now be required to use their enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code to access certain businesses and organizations where proof of vaccination is already required. Vaccine receipts without a QR code will no longer be accepted as valid proof of vaccination.
Businesses will be required to use the Verify Ontario app to scan the codes and confirm a person’s vaccination status.
You do not need to download an app or have a smartphone to use your QR code. You can download the QR code certificate from the provincial portal or call the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre at 1-833-943-3900 to have your enhanced vaccine certificate emailed or mailed to you.
You can save the electronic version of your enhanced vaccine certificate with a QR code to your phone or print a paper copy. Businesses must accept both electronic and paper versions.
You will need to continue to show a piece of identification with your name and date of birth along with your proof of vaccination when visiting select businesses and organizations.
For anyone without access to a computer, you can:
- Visit your local library to use a public computer and internet resources;
- Ask a trusted friend or organization to help print a copy; or
- Access a Service Ontario location
Those with medical exemptions also need verified certificates with a QR code as doctor’s notes will no longer be accepted as of January 10. More information.
Release: Festivals and Events Ontario