“Tap & Go” with a Credit Card at Chown and Hanson Parking Garages

Published on: 2013/03/13 - in Releases

Drivers can now simply “tap” their credit cards to quickly pay for parking at the City’s Chown and Hanson parking garages.

“This is a much faster way to pay and should cut down on transaction line-ups,” says Paula Nichols, Manager of Parking Operations.

The new “Tap & Go” payment feature allows customers, who have the feature on their credit cards, to simply tap their cards when they enter and tap the same card again when they exit. No ticket is required – but anyone who does take a ticket at entry, can still pay using the “Tap & Go” feature at the garages’ pay stations or at the exit.

See also: Chown And Hanson Parking Garages to Get Automated Attendants


Release source: City of Kingston | Image: Google Maps