Reminder: Local HS Students Can Renew or Sign-up for Free Kingston Transit Bus Pass

Published on: 2022/08/23 - in Releases

RELEASE —  All students in grade 9 to 12 can now renew or sign-up for their free Kingston Transit bus pass for the coming 2022-23 academic school year.

Grade 9 students entering high school will need to obtain a card for the first time and all returning grade 10 to 12 students with a valid pass from the 2021-22 school year will have their passes automatically renewed. Students, parents, and guardians are encouraged to review the changes online at for information about how to get a Kingston Transit high school transit pass.

Grade 9 Students

Kingston Transit will visit high schools in the area on the following dates to issue passes to grade 9 students and to complete a transit training session.

Bayridge Secondary School – Sept. 23
École Secondaire Catholique Marie-Rivier – Sep. 14
École Secondaire Publique Mille-Iles – Sept. 13
Ernestown Secondary School – Sept. 12
Frontenac Secondary School – Sept. 19 & 20
Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School – Aug. 31

Kingston Secondary School – Sept. 15
LaSalle Secondary School – Sept. 21
Leahurst College – Sept. 27
Loyalist Collegiate & Vocational Institute – Sept. 9
Regiopolis-Notre Dame Catholic High School – Aug. 30

Grade 9 students wishing to obtain their transit pass prior to Kingston Transit attending their school can also obtain a transit pass by:

  1. Downloading and completing the Transit Card Registration Form available online at
  2. Bringing the filled-in form to City Hall, 216 Ontario St., or the Guest Services desk at the Cataraqui Centre, 945 Gardiners Rd., along with:
    – 2021-22 Grade 9 student timetable
    – birth certificate.

Grade 10 to 12 Students

Grade 10 to 12 students who had a valid transit pass in the 2021-22 school year will have their passes automatically renewed for the 2022-23 academic year. No action is needed to renew the pass.

Grade 12 students returning for an additional year of studies will not have their passes renewed automatically and will be required to renew their pass by:

  • Bringing their 2021-22 student transit pass to City Hall, 216 Ontario St., or the Guest Services desk at the Cataraqui Centre, 945 Gardiners Rd., along with their 2022-23 grade 12 student timetable. Home-Based Education Students

Private school and home-based education students must contact the Kingston Transit Office by phone at 613-546-4291 ext. 2365, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to make arrangements to obtain their transit passes.

All Other Students

Students who have never had a transit pass or students who have lost or damaged their transit pass can obtain a pass by:

  1. Downloading and completing the Transit Card Registration Form available online at
  2. Bringing the filled-in form to City Hall, 216 Ontario St., or the Guest Services desk at the Cataraqui Centre, 945 Gardiners Rd., along with:
    – previous grade 9, 10, 11 or 12 transit pass, and a 2022-23 10, 11 or 12 student timetable; OR
    – a 2022-23 Grade 10, 11 or 12 student timetable and a birth certificate.

A $3 fee for a new or replacement card applies to Grade 10, 11 and 12 students.

For additional information about the High School Student Transit Pass, visit or call customer service at 613-546-0000.

Release: City of Kingston
Photo: Limestone District School Board