Invigorate Your Poetry with Poet Laureate Workshops

Published on: 2022/03/29 - in Releases

Ninety-nine poetry prompts on the wall — work with one, have some fun! Kingston’s Poet Laureate Jason Heroux is offering two poetry-writing workshops with Kingston Frontenac Public Library, based around prompts to help poets jump-start their creative minds.

With anywhere between one and 99 poetry prompts, Heroux will give workshop participants a concept or image that provides a starting point for a poem. Enter with an open mind and exit with a handful of new written works.

“KFPL’s partnerships with Kingston’s Poet Laureate have been very well received,” said Jake Miller, Librarian, Adult Programming. “Having Jason lead these workshops will be special dates on the KFPL calendar! It’s such a unique opportunity for the public to refine their skills.”

There are two sessions, both identical in content and delivery. Registrants should sign up for one of the two. The first is Apr. 20 from 7 to 8:30 p.m and the second is Apr. 23 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Both are online, and both are limited to 20 participants.

With poetry prompts ranging from fun to meaningful, zany, profound, and all of the above, we are certain all poets will find inspiration.

For those who would like expert advice on refining their poetry, submit a work to for a chance to be selected for a mentorship session with Jason Heroux.

One poet will be selected for one of six sessions on April 26 (7-8 p.m.), April 28 (7-8 p.m.), April 30 (2-3 p.m.), May 3 (7-8 p.m.), May 5 (7-8 p.m.) and May 7 (2-3 p.m.). Heroux will contact selected poets for each session, and Zoom links will be sent to each poet once dates and times are confirmed.

Release | Image: Kingston Frontenac Public Library