Students Take Classes at City Hall During Local Government Week

Published on: 2016/10/17 - in Releases

Grade 5 students from Centennial Public School will spend this week at Kingston’s City Hall discovering how government affects their everyday lives.

Their visit to historic City Hall takes place during the eighth annual Local Government Week, celebrated across Ontario Oct. 16 to 22.

“Local Government Week is a great opportunity to welcome students to City Hall and allow them to explore the roles and people who make our city work,” says Mayor Bryan Paterson.

The students will speak with councillors and learn how they represent their constituents and how citizens can get involved in the decision-making process. They will also meet the mayor and learn what motivates individuals to run for political office and how the democratic process works.

Throughout the week, students will meet with City Hall staff and interview them to learn about the roles different City employees play to ensure the work of the City is done. The students will also meet with representatives from Utilities Kingston to explore how the city is managing water and learn more about the important role of conservation.

The balance of the week will be spent exploring what it means to be citizens in a democratic society, to enhance students’ civic awareness and allow them to share their ideas about what is important to them as Kingston residents.

This effort has been organized by Beyond Classrooms Kingston, a non-profit organization which moves students into community spaces for a full week. Local Government Week is fully sponsored by the City of Kingston. To learn more, visit Beyond Classrooms Kingston.

The City encourages schools to participate in local government activities throughout the school year. For more information, please contact Derek Ochej, committee clerk at

To learn more about Local Government Week, please visit the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing website.

Release source: City of Kingston | Photo: Wikimedia Commons (cc)