The Kingston Frontenacs Organization, the K-Rock Centre and One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network Announce the first ever Kingston Frontenacs Swab Day & Hockey Game, “Where You Can Make the Biggest Save”.
The game is scheduled for Friday, January 28th, 2011.
The Kingston Frontenacs are offering a Team Challenge and a Corporate Challenge (see below for details). The goal is to get as many people as possible in the Kingston Community swabbed, to raise awareness and funds for One Match Stem Cell and Marrow Network. Getting swabbed is a simple process that involves filling out a short questionnaire and getting four swabs on the inside of your cheek.
Members of the public are invited to the K-Rock Centre on January 28th from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm and then for those attending the Kingston Frontenacs hockey game from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm to get swabbed.
All people getting swabbed will be given a voucher for a discounted ticket to the Kingston Frontenacs Hockey Game scheduled for February 9th, 2011.
Kingston Frontenac Players Erik and Alex Gudbranson know first hand the importance of the OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network. They watched their younger brother Dennis, now 13 years old, undergo treatment for leukemia. Six years ago, Dennis Gudbranson was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.
“You can only imagine what it’s like, hearing that a six-year-old has cancer,” said his mother, Ottawa resident Donna Leith-Gudbranson. “It’s kind of like the floor drops out.”
After undergoing five rounds of chemotherapy in six months, Dennis’ cancer went into remission. Less than six months later, the familiar symptoms returned. The cancer was back. With no compatible bone marrow matches in the family, the Gudbransons turned to the national bone marrow registry.
“His chances of finding a donor were one in 40, 000,” said Leith-Gudbranson.
But then a miracle happened.
The registry found a 10/10 match and today, doctors have declared Dennis cured.
“He’s a busy, vibrant 13-year-old. He’s a normal kid, which is the most amazing thing,” his mother said.
The Kingston Frontenacs brothers, the entire Kingston Frontenac Hockey Organization and the K-Rock Centre want to challenge the entire Kingston and Area to come out and get swabbed ~ it could be the Biggest Save!
The Guinness Book of World Records for the most people Swabbed in one day is 1146 set by McMaster University in 2010. With the Royal Military College, CFB Kingston, Queen’s University and St. Lawrence College and the public and private sector, for this year, we are hoping to unofficially beat that record.
Team Challenge:
- The Kingston Frontenacs Hockey Team (players and coaches) are challenging any team in the Kingston Community of come in and get swabbed or make a donation.
- Teams will have the opportunity to come out and get registered for OneMatch together or individually. Should any members of the team not qualify for the registry or wish to be swabbed, they can make a financial donation, which will qualify them.
- The teams will be judged on a percentage, so if there are 17 members of a team and all 17 either get swabbed or make a donation, they will have a 100% participation rate. Should there be a tie in participation rates; a draw will be held to determine the winning team. Come out as a team or individually, every participating team member counts!
- Team can pre-register by contacting Jessica Stergiou at 613-560-7204 or via email at One Match will then place their team logo on a large poster and keep tally of their team participation next to the logo.
- All participating teams will be thanked on the Fronts Web site following the event.
- The winning team will be awarded a suite for a Kingston Frontenacs Hockey Game and a one hour skate after the game.
Corporate/Organizational Challenge:
- The Kingston Frontenacs Hockey Club is challenging any organization in the Kingston Community to come in and get swabbed and or make a donation.
- Organizational Teams will have the opportunity to come out and get registered for OneMatch together or individually. Should any members of the team not qualify for the registry or wish to be swabbed, they can make a financial donation, which will qualify them.
- The Organizations will be judged on a percentage, so if there are 4 employees or 200 members in the Organization, the organization will be judged on a percentage basis. Should there be a tie in participation rates; a draw will be held to determine the winning team. Come out as an Organization or individually, every participating member counts!
- All participating Organizations will have their company name and logo posted at the event and on the Front’s web site following the event.
- The Corporate Challenge will be judged on a percentage, so if there are 4 employees or 200 in the organization, the organization will be judged on a percentage basis.
- Teams can pre-register by contacting Jessica Stergiou at 613-560-7204 or via emailed at One Match will then place their team logo on a large poster and keep tally of their team participation next to the logo.
Individual Participation
- You do not have to be a member of a team or come as an organization, any individual can participate by coming to the K-Rock Centre on January 28th from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm and then for those attending the Kingston Frontenacs hockey game from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm to get Swabbed. Anyone can participate, either through getting Swabbed or through making a financial donation (from small to large, every dollar counts!).
Who Can Participate?
- To be swabbed and register for the OneMatch Registry, the person must be 17-50 years of age and in general good health (as per the questionnaire).Then get swabbed.
- The donor must be willing to donate to anyone.
- The entire process takes only approximately 10 minutes to complete.
- For those who do not fall within one of the requirements for the Network can still participate by making a financial donation.
The Process & Registration:
- The entire process is very simple and takes only 10 minutes from start to end.
- The registrant can visit the K-Rock Centre from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm or during the Kingston Frontenacs Game from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Each registrant will be handed a package to complete which includes the following information: Consent Form, Five Labels, Test Requisition.
- Following the completion of the Consent Form, labels and test requisitions the registrant will have their cheek swabbed under the direction of an OneMatch staff member or volunteer.
- Once this has been completed the OneMatch Staff member/volunteer will collect the forms and the swab kit to be processed.
- Once a match is identified, the registrant will be contacted by an OneMatch representative and further information provided.
Release courtesy of KEDCO