Have Your Say in How Kingston Reaches 65 Per Cent Waste Diversion

Published on: 2022/06/07 - in Releases

The City of Kingston has reached the final stage of the Waste Strategies engagement and is seeking community feedback on the remaining three methods that will help Kingston achieve 65 per cent waste diversion by 2025.

Residents are invited to complete a brief survey to rank the three waste strategies, which will help inform how waste is collected in Kingston.

“By giving your input on the three strategies for waste collection, you will help reduce and divert waste from the landfill, which will have a positive and lasting impact on our environment for generations,” says Adam Mueller, Solid Waste Supervisor at the City of Kingston.

The three options being put forward include:

  • Option 1: Bi-weekly collection of clear bag waste
  • Option 2: Bi-Weekly waste collection and increased bag tag fees
  • Option 3: Weekly collection of clear bags

The Waste Strategies engagement was undertaken to identify new strategies to divert more organics, recyclables, yard waste, and other items from garbage cans—and landfill. When these items go to landfill, they emit harmful greenhouse gas emissions, a leading cause of climate change.

Over the course of the multi-step Waste Strategies engagement, City staff connected with residents in person, online, through facilitated focus groups and open houses. Read the report that captured engagement feedback and findings from previous phases of this project at Get Involved Kingston. In this report, you will also find a detailed explanation of why certain options are not included in this survey.

Get Involved!

  • Complete the survey online and have a say in how your waste is collected. Survey closes on June 26.
  • Phone 613-546-0000 to complete the survey with a Customer Experience agent.
  • Request a mailed paper copy of the survey by calling 613-546-0000.

“Kingston reached its initial goal of 60 per cent waste diversion in 2017 through voluntary diversion programs. Together, we can reach our target of 65 per cent diversion and demonstrate our commitment to climate action,” says Mueller.

Release | Image (video still): City of Kingston