Ontario Dental Association Offer Some Tricks to Enjoy Halloween Treats

Published on: 2019/10/24 - in Releases

Just how badly do your treats spook your teeth? The Ontario Dental Association has some quick facts about the effects of Halloween treats and some precautions you can take to protect your teeth:

RELEASE — It’s that time of year again! Kids are counting down the moments until they get dressed up and roam their neighbourhoods in search of free candy. And you know adults have already started sneaking mini-sized treats at home or the office.

Dentists are well aware of all the Halloween candy indulging going on and that’s why the Ontario Dental Association is passing along the frightening truth about your favourite treats and how to prevent horrifying damage to your mouth when you eat them.

Chips: While they may be savoury, chips of all varieties and flavours can do harm by sticking to teeth and breaking down into sugar, which can cause cavities.

Chocolates: Good news for chocolate lovers! Plain chocolate dissolves quickly in the mouth which lessens the chance of causing cavities. But it’s still sugary, so try to eat it in moderation.

Hard candy: Slowly sucking on hard candies soaks your teeth in cavity-causing sugar. Biting down on hard candy and jaw breakers can also crack or chip your teeth.

Chewy candies and dried fruit: Whether it’s caramels, gummy bears, licorice or raisins, these sugar-packed sweets can stick in the crevices of your teeth and cause tooth decay. Sour candies are even more dangerous because the acid that makes them tart can also erode enamel.

Terrific tricks:

  • Swish with water after eating your treats to wash away the sugar and acid.
  • Try to eat your candy after a meal to limit the chances of over doing it.
  • Eating cheese before your treats provides a protective, vitamin-rich coating on your teeth.
  • Nuts are a healthy, more tooth-friendly snack.
  • Chewing sugar-free gum is also great for your teeth and your breath.
  • Floss is boss, so use it every day to get any leftover debris from in between your teeth.
  • Be sure to wait 30 minutes before brushing to prevent damage to your enamel.

About the Ontario Dental Association

The ODA has been the voluntary professional association for dentists in Ontario since 1867. Today, we represent more than 9,000, or nine in 10, dentists across the province. The ODA is Ontario’s primary source of information on oral health and the dental profession. We advocate for accessible and sustainable optimal oral health for all Ontarians by working with health-care professionals, governments, the private sector and the public. For helpful tips, visit youroralhealth.ca.

Release: Ontario Dental Association
Photo: Steven Depolo (cc)