Donate Saved Gas Money and Double Your Impact on Climate Change

Published on: 2021/02/04 - in Releases

RELEASE — Working remotely due to COVID-19? The City of Kingston encourages you to donate some of the money you have saved on gas to the Kingston Community Climate Action Fund (KCCAF) to double your impact on climate change.

“Reducing the use of your vehicle is a climate action – and one of the silver linings of the pandemic. Let’s really make this silver lining shine: You can double the impact of driving less by putting the money you save on gas toward local climate actions that support a carbon-neutral future for Kingston,” says Julie Salter-Keane, Manager, Climate Leadership Division.

Double your impact on local GHGs with your donation

The City, Martha’s Table, Habitat for Humanity and the Kingston Community Credit Union challenge you to donate a portion of the money you would normally spend on fossil fuel toward one or both of these KCCAF-supported climate actions:

  • Habitat for Humanity is seeking $26,000 to install air source heat pumps in four new townhomes on Rose Abbey Drive.
  • Martha’s Table is seeking $45,000 to purchase an electric vehicle to serve its clients.

Make a one-time donation through Canada Helps or the Kingston Community Credit Union today and challenge your friends and colleagues to double the impact that driving less has on local greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Gifts of $20 and more made at a Kingston Community Credit Union will be eligible to receive a tax receipt, issued by the City of Kingston.

Another way to take up the challenge!

Unable to donate at this time? You can still take up this call to action! Double your impact by committing to tell at least two people about the Kingston Community Climate Action Fund, and its goal to help non-profits green their great work.

Find out more about KCCAF and these local projects.

Release | Image source: City of Kingston