Kingston Road Closures & Delays: April 3 to 7

Published on: 2022/04/03 - in Releases

Following is a list of road construction projects and events provided by the City of Kingston that are expected to have an impact on traffic flow next week:

Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians: review the listing of streets and related messages below for travel information of interest to you.

Reduced load restrictions are in effect in Kingston. Heavy trucks and loads are restricted on City roads, where posted, until April 30. These restrictions help reduce damage to roads in the spring.

LaSalle Causeway

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) wishes to advise motorists of a lane reduction on LaSalle Causeway for maintenance work during the following period:

  • Monday, April 4 from 7 a.m. to Tuesday, May 31 at 5 p.m.During this period, the westbound lane will be reduced. Two flagpersons will be on site to direct traffic. Motorists should expect short delays.

Road Closures:

* King St. West–Front to Auld – closed until June 29, 2022 for the construction of Utilities Kingston’s Portsmouth Pumping Station flow direction project and Front Road trunk watermain Phase 2 project.
* Lower Brewers Swing Bridge – closed until further notice. Parks Canada is continuing its efforts to replace the bridge over the winter.
* Wright Crescent – South Intersection of Palace to 16 Palace – closed until January 31st, 2023 for construction staging for 11 Wight Cres. Please note that access to Wright Cres will be through the North intersection of Wright Cres at Palace Rd.
* Victoria Street – Brock to Johnson – closed April 4 to April 8, from 7 a.m. o 4:30 p.m. each day for water and sewer system upgrade for 599 Johnson Street.
* Palace Road- Brock to Johnson – closed April 4 to May 6 for road reconstruction by K.Mulrooney Trucking Ltd. at this location.
* MacDonnell St – Concession to North Barlett – from April 5 to April 6 starting at 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day for tree trimming and removal by the City of Kingston.

Play Street/School Streets Initiative Closures

Please direct questions to Kingston Coalition for Active Transportation (KCAT)  at or

Play Street – Cheryl Place is closed using barricades staffed by KCAT to manage vehicle access/access to driveways. Closure repeats Tuesdays 6 to 7 p.m. and Saturdays 1 to 3 p.m. until Aug. 26, 2022.

School Streets – These streets are closed 8:40 to 9:10 a.m. and 3:20 to 3:50 p.m. weekdays until June 29, 2022.
MacDonnell Street – Earl to Hill

Third Crossing roadwork on Highway 15 at Gore:

* The Pittsburgh Library sidewalk will be open to the public for use north of Gore Road. Signage will be set up to guide pedestrian/vehicular access to and from the library. Please see attached markup for directions and signage to be in place.
* Highway 15, Gore Road, and Pittsburgh Library entrance will be open for unimpeded traffic use from January 17, 2022 to Spring 2022. Construction is expected to resume in Spring of 2022.
* The NE corner of the Hwy 15/Gore Rd sidewalk will be closed until Spring 2022 for safety during the Winter. The sidewalk detour will be maintained through MacLean Park to Honeywood Ave. and to Greenwood Park Trail. A sidewalk closure sign will remain in place with a detour route attached. Please see attached sidewalk detour through Maclean Park in place to guide pedestrians.

Review designs of the east shore roadwork on the Third Crossing website.

Other Delays:

* Front Road and King Street West – Sand Bay Lane to Country Club Drive – expect a lane shift until November 22, 2022 for the Portsmouth Pumping Station flow direction and Front Rd trunk Watermain interconnection. Please note lanes will be shifted but a lane in each direction will be maintained at all times.
* Grenadier Drive – at Windfield Crescent – expect delays to allow construction of the Kingston East Community Centre site. Flaggers will direct traffic.
* Highway 33– east of Collins Creek Bridge to west of Coronation Boulevard – expect delays due to construction to improve drainage. Construction barrels and flag-people will direct traffic around the work zone.

* Jackson Mills Road– near the K&P Trail – reduced to one lane for roadside safety improvements but remains open in both directions.
* Princess Street – between Westbrook and Collins Bay/Cataraqui Woods – expect a lane closure from January 17 to April 30 from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. each day for the installation of turtle fencing. Please note that flag persons will be on site managing the traffic and one lane of traffic will be maintained.

* Benson Street at Conacher Drive – Expect a lane closure on April 6 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as a City of Kingston crew removes and prunes a tree at this location.
* O’Connor Drive – between Reservoir Entrance to Kingston Fire & Rescue HQ North Entrance – expect a lane closure from 7am April 4 to 7pm June 1 for the restoration of asphalt, curb and sod at this location.

* Ontario Street – Princess at Queens – expect a lane closure on April 5 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. for window cleaning for 27 Princess Street.
* Ontario Street – Princess at King – expect a lane closure on April 5 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. for window cleaning for 27 Princess Street.
* Princess Street – Sydenham to Montreal – expect a lane closure from 7 a.m. April 11 to 7 p.m. May 6, Len Corcoran will be installing new water services and connecting to existing felicities.
* Hillcrest Avenue – lane closure from 39 Hillcrest to 43 Hillcrest, starting April 4 to April 8 to excavate and replace sewer lateral by Utilities Kingston


* Grenadier Drive – at Windfield Crescent – The sidewalk on the south side of Grenadier Drive may be restricted weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. A flagger will be on-site to direct traffic and assist pedestrians.
* Portsmouth Waterfront Pathway – to accommodate pathway and shoreline improvements, the City has closed access to the pathway at the foot of Mowat Avenue and Yonge Street and east of Lakewatch Lane.
* Queen Street – Sidewalk will be closed from 8 a.m. April 4 to 4 p.m. in order to accommodate the placement of a scissor life on the sidewalk for roof replacement at 104 Queen Street.

Traffic-related links and messages:

Release source: City of Kingston
Photo: Ryan McNight (cc)