Labour Day Weekend Closures and Service Impacts

Published on: 2022/09/03 - in Releases

RELEASE — Community members: learn how the Labour Day weekend will impact services, programs and facility hours on Monday, Sept. 5 for the City of Kingston, Utilities Kingston and other community organizations.

Scheduling impacts: 

  • Garbage, green bin and recycling: There is no collection on Sept. 5. Regular Monday collection will be pushed to Tuesday, Sept. 6. Sign-up to receive collection reminders by phone, push notification, or email.
  • Kingston Transit: Buses will follow a Sunday schedule.
  • Kingston Access Services: Operates with limited service. Call 613-542-2512 for information.
  • Kingston Area Recycling Centre: Closed.
  • Administrative Offices (including housing and social services on Montreal Street and Provincial Offences): Closed.
  • Utilities Kingston and Kingston Hydro: Closed. In the event of a utility emergency, such as a gas smell, power outage or a water main break, call the Utilities Kingston 24-hour number at 613-546-1181. Hydro One electricity customers in the west and east ends can call 1-800-434-1235. Enbridge customers can call 1-877-969-0999. Reminder for customers on time-of-use pricing: for electricity used on weekends and holidays, prices are off-peak.
  • Arenas, INVISTA Centre (including Fitness & Wellness Centre) and CaraCo Home Field: Closed.
  • Rideau Heights Community Centre & Kingston East Community Centre: Closed.
  • Artillery Park Aquatic Centre: Closed.
  • Culligan Water Park: Open.
  • Libraries: Closed. Services and digital collections can be accessed online. Don’t have a library card? Register online.
  • Portsmouth Olympic Harbour and Confederation Basin marinas: Open
  • Kingston Grand Theatre: Closed.
  • PumpHouse Museum & MacLachlan Woodworking Museum: Closed.
  • City Hall: Tours will not be offered.
  • Tett Centre: Closed.

Celebrate our rich diversity!

Celebrate Kingston’s rich diversity through food, music, art, and culture! This year’s Intercultural Arts Festival is a free, family-friendly event and will run from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 4 at Confederation Basin. Some of the festival attractions will include a fashion show, food vendors, performances, and workshops. Try authentic flavours from around the world, learn something new in one of the cultural workshops, or watch one of the many extraordinary performances celebrating Canada’s pluralism!

Release: City of Kingston
Photo: Bryan Mills (cc)