Kingston Road Closures & Delays: November 7 to 12

Published on: 2021/11/07 - in Releases

Following is a list of road construction projects and events provided by the City of Kingston that are expected to have an impact on traffic flow next week:

Motorists, cyclists and pedestrians: review the listing of streets and related messages below for travel information of interest to you.

* Between Traffic Reports, check for updates.
* Significant City or Utilities Kingston-related traffic disruptions will also be sent out on the City’s Twitter feed @CityofKingston.

Road Closures:

  • Johnson Street – Gibson (west corner) to Sir John A. Macdonald – closed until Nov. 15 to accommodate road reconstruction work by Utilities Kingston
  • King St. West – Front to Auld – closed until June 29, 2022 for the construction of Utilities Kingston’s Portsmouth Pumping Station flow direction project and Front Road trunk watermain Phase 2 project.
  • King Street – Tragically Hip Way to Place D’Armes – Closed Nov. 6 for Blue Rodeo bus and trailer parking
  • King Street – Barrie to Lower University – Closed Nov. 11 from 9am to 12pm for Remembrance Day Ceremonies. Local Access and access from George St will be maintained and controlled by Kingston Police.
  • Lower Brewers Swing Bridge – closed until further notice. Parks Canada is continuing its efforts to replace the bridge over the winter.
  • Market Street – Brock to King – Closed to accommodate Love Kingston Marketplace.
  • Ontario Street – Brock to Market – closed Nov. 8 at 7 a.m. to Nov. 12 at 5:30 p.m. for the installation of water services
  • Victoria Street – Princess to Durham – closed Nov. 8 from 9am to 5pm for a mobile crane setup for material hoisting

Play Street and School Streets Initiative Closures

Please direct questions to Kingston Coalition for Active Transportation’s (KCAT) at or

  • Play Street – Cheryl Place is closed using barricades staffed by KCAT to manage vehicle access/access to driveways. Closure repeats Tuesdays 6 to 7 p.m. and Saturdays 1 to 3 p.m. until Aug. 26, 2022
  • School Streets – These streets are closed 8:40 to 9:10 a.m. and 3:20 to 3:50 p.m. weekdays until June 29, 2022.
    • MacDonnell Street – Earl to Hill   
    • Expect delays on Highway 15

Expect delays on Highway 15   

Expect delays on Highway 15 as the City and Utilities Kingston improve active transportation and upgrade infrastructure. Follow @CityofKingston and @Utilitieskngstn for updates between Traffic Reports. The City and Utilities Kingston thank residents for their patience. Direct questions to ‘contact us’ at City of Kingston or Utilities Kingston.

Third Crossing roadwork on Highway 15 at Gore

  • The southbound left turn lane from Highway 15 to Gore Rd will see delays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Nov. 8-12 to enable the construction of the retaining wall at the northeast corner of Hwy 15 and Gore.  Two lanes of traffic will be maintained on Highway 15 at all times.
  • Gore Rd west of Highway 15 will see delays from Nov. 11-12 to enable paving. Access to the library parking lot will be maintained, but delays may occur.
  • Delays can be expected on Gore Road to enable storm sewer construction on the southeast corner of Hwy 15 and Gore. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained on Gore Road at all times.
  • There will be work occurring next Sat. Nov. 13 for the installation of storm structures and pipe connections on the southeast corner of Highway 15 and Gore Rd. The work will continue from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Rock excavation will be required for this scope of work, but kept minimal. Work will be performed within the current traffic set-up, so impacts to traffic flow will be minimal.
  • The above impacts to the traffic will be subject to change depending on the weather.
  • The roadwork related to the Third Crossing is being coordinated outside of rush hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., as best as possible. There will be some need for extended work hours and work during rush-hour, but short-term only.
  • Any lane reductions at Highway 15 and Gore Road will be minimized.
  • Traffic control and pedestrian plans include signs and on-site traffic controllers.
  • Work continues until the end of 2021.
  • Review designs of the east shore roadwork on the Third Crossing website

Utilities Kingston work on Highway 15

  • Utilities Kingston has modified controls to improve traffic concerns related to its work to install a trunk water main.
  • Construction is underway on Highway 15:
  • From Barriefield to north of Grenadier.
  • Expect delays until the end of November.
  • Portable traffic control signals have been removed and flaggers are on site to allow for improved flow of traffic

Other Delays:

  • Division Street – Quebec to Pine – Expect a lane closure Oct. 12 to Nov. 19 for the rebuild of a manhole
  • Front Road and King Street West – Sand Bay Lane to Country Club Drive – Expect significant delays due to east- and west-bound lane restrictions through 2022. A contractor is installing water and wastewater infrastructure on behalf of Utilities Kingston.
  • Grenadier Drive – at Windfield Crescent – expect delays to allow construction of the Kingston East Community Centre site. Flaggers will direct traffic.
  • Henderson Boulevard – Bayridge to Days – expect delays continuing Nov. 8 to 12 as crews construct a multi-use path on the north side of Henderson.
  • Highway 33 – east of Collins Creek Bridge to west of Coronation Boulevard – expect delays due to construction to improve drainage. Construction barrels and flag-people will direct traffic around the work zone.
  • Jackson Mills Road – near the K&P Trail – reduced to one lane for roadside safety improvements but remains open in both directions.
  • Johnson Street – MacDonnell to Victoria – expect lane restrictions until Oct. 29 to allow for pavement repairs.
  • King St. West – Sand Bay Lane to Country Club Drive – expect significant delays due to east and westbound lane restrictions through 2021. A contractor is installing water and wastewater infrastructure on behalf of Utilities Kingston.
  • O’Connor Drive – Reservoir entrance to Kingston Fire & Rescue north entrance – expect a lane closure until Dec.1 to accommodate installation of a new trunk water main by a contractor on behalf of Utilities Kingston.
  • Princess Street – At Parkway – expect lane closures and lane shifts until Nov. 29 for construction of the North End Trunk Sewer by a contractor on behalf of Utilities Kingston. Right turn in/out only to Parkway while lane shifting is in place.
  • Sydenham Road – Sydenham and Burbrook – expect delays starting Nov. 8 to 12 as crews remove and replace a culvert crossing Sydenham Road running east/west on Burbrook Road
  • Unity Road – Perth to Cole Hill – expect delays starting Nov. 8 to 12 as crews remove and replace a culvert crossing Unity Road
  • Weller Avenue – Expect minor delays from Nov. 9 to 12 as the road will be down to one lane at times. A contractor on behalf of Utilities Kingston will be working to complete gas infrastructure replacement


  • Grenadier Drive – at Windfield Crescent – The sidewalk on the south side of Grenadier Drive may be restricted weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. A flagger will be on-site to direct traffic and assist pedestrians.
  • Henderson Boulevard – Bayridge to Days (north side) – expect limited access to the sidewalk through October as crews construct a new multi-use pathway.
  • Portsmouth Waterfront Pathway – to accommodate pathway and shoreline improvements, the City has closed access to the pathway at the foot of Mowat Avenue and Yonge Street and east of Lakewatch Lane.

Traffic-related links and messages:

Release source: City of Kingston
Photo: Ryan McNight (cc)