The Labour Day holiday on Monday, Sept. 6 will create some schedule changes to municipal and utility services:
Garbage, Green Bin and recycling: No collection Monday and collection moves to the day after your normal pick-up day for the rest of the week. Sign-up to be reminded what to put out when at The Kingston Area Recycling Centre is also closed Monday.
PLEASE NOTE: you may put out two-untagged bags or containers of garbage for the first collection after Labour Day (starting Tuesday, Sept. 7).
Kingston Transit: Buses will run on Sunday schedules available online at ( . Plan your trip in advance with Google Maps, TransitApp or Moovit.
Kingston Access Services: Operates with limited service on Monday. Call 613-542-2512.
Administrative offices: All administrative offices, including Housing and Social Services and Provincial Offences are closed Monday.
Utilities Kingston and Kingston Hydro: Closed Monday. In the event of a utility emergency, such as a gas smell, power outage or a water main break, call the Utilities Kingston 24-hour number at 613-546-1181. Hydro One electricity customers in the west and east ends can call 1-800-434-1235. Enbridge customers can call 1-877-969-0999. Reminder for customers on time-of-use pricing: for electricity used on weekends and holidays – like Labour Day, Sept. 6 – prices are off-peak.
Outdoor Aqua Park and splash pads: Open Monday. Sept. 6 will be the last day of the summer schedule at Outdoor Aqua Park (see the September schedule at Splash pads remain open until Sept. 19.
INVISTA Centre/Fitness & Wellness Centre and Rideau Heights Community Centre: Closed Monday.
Arenas: Closed.
Artillery Park Aquatic Centre: Closed Monday.
CaraCo Home Field: Closed Monday.
Libraries: All branches of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library are closed Monday.
Tett Centre: Closed Monday. The Juniper Café will be open. Please use the patio entrance.
Confederation Basin and Portsmouth Olympic Harbour marinas: The Confederation Basin Marina office is open Monday. The fueling stations are also open at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, but the office will be closed Monday.
Grand Theatre Box Office: Closed due to COVID-19 pandemic.
MacLachlan Woodworking Museum: Closed due to COVID-19 pandemic.
PumpHouse Museum: Closed Monday. The PumpHouse Museum is now open for private, pre-booked, small group, guided 45-minute tours (choose from on-site tours or a walking tour of Ontario St. – see
Release: City of Kingston
Photo: Bryan Mills (cc)