The City of Kingston posted the following details regarding schedules and closures related to the 2021 Easter holiday weekend:
RELEASE — Visiting in person risks spreading COVID-19. Please limit close contact with those outside your household and continue to physically distance and use face coverings as required during the Easter long weekend.
- Green Bin, garbage and recycling: There is no collection on Friday, April 2 or Monday, April 5. Friday’s material will be collected Saturday. Monday’s collection moves to Tuesday and collection moves forward a day for the rest of the week.
- Kingston Transit: There is no bus service on Friday.
- Kingston Access Services (KAS): No service on Friday, regular service Saturday and Sunday, limited service Monday. Call 613-542-2512 for information. KAS offices are closed on Friday and open regular hours on Saturday and Sunday, and from 8 a.m. to noon on Monday.
- Kingston Area Recycling Centre: Closed Friday and Monday.
- Administrative offices (including Housing and Social Services and Provincial Offences on Montreal Street): Closed Friday and Monday.
- Utilities Kingston and Kingston Hydro: Utilities Kingston and Kingston Hydro: Closed Friday through Monday. In the event of a utility emergency, such as a gas smell, power outage or a water main break, call Utilities Kingston/Kingston Hydro’s 24-hour number at 613-546-1181. (Hydro One electricity customers in City west and east can call 1-800-434-1235. Enbridge customers can call 1-877-969-0999.) Reminder for customers on time-of-use pricing: for electricity used on weekends and holidays like Family Day, prices are off-peak.
- Kingston Frontenac Public Library: Closed Friday, Sunday and Monday.
- Arenas: Closed Friday and Monday.
- Artillery Park Aquatic Centre: Closed Friday and Monday.
- Rideau Heights Community Centre: Closed Friday and Monday.
- INVISTA Centre/Fitness & Wellness Centre: Closed Friday and Monday.
- Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning: Closed Friday and Monday, but open on Easter Sunday. The Juniper Café is closed Monday, but is otherwise open. Please use the patio doors to access the Café when the rest of the Tett Centre is closed. Find events and programs at
- Grand Theatre Box Office: Closed due to COVID-19 pandemic. Find virtual events at
- PumpHouse Museum: Closed to accommodate an exhibit change. Find virtual activities at
- City Hall Market Wing Cultural Space: Closed Easter weekend.
- MacLachlan Woodworking Museums: Closed.
Release source: City of Kingston
Photo: Wikimedia Commons