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KEDCO: Weekly Update – June 11, 2010

KEDCO: Weekly Update – Week Ending June 11, 2010 HIGHLIGHTS OF RECENT PROGRESS & ACTIVITIES Business Development KEDCO was pleased to have co-hosted the Grand Opening of ESG Solutions new facilities at 20 Hyperion Court in the Alcan Business Park on June 10. The expanded facilities, which were funded in part through the Eastern Ontario… Keep Reading

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First Capital Day Celebrations Announced

The city will be celebrating First Capital Day this Tuesday, June 15, and hold events for students and families to honour Kingston’s legacy as the first capital of Canada. A number of 1841-era activities have been scheduled on Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Confederation Park, across from City Hall on Ontario Street.… Keep Reading

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S&R Department Store to Reopen

The Doornekamp family, after having a proposal to enter an office partnership with city council rejected, have reportedly decided to independently buy the building and transform it into a commercial and office center. Construction and renovations on the 19th century building is set to begin next month. The Doornekamp company, ABNA Investments Ltd., will spend… Keep Reading

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Environmental policy expert appointed Skelton-Clark Fellow

Peter Sylvester has been appointed the next Skelton-Clark Fellow in the School of Policy Studies. Mr. Sylvester joins Queen’s from his position as President of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. Mr. Sylvester has been the Senior General Counsel in a number of major federal organizations, and his extensive knowledge and experience in environmental and legal… Keep Reading

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Mark Gerretsen Announces Run for Mayor

In front of dozens of supporters, the one term Portsmouth district councillor launched his campaign to be mayor of Kingston. Gerretsen, 35, is the fifth person to announce an election bid along with businessman Barrie Chalmers, former councillor Rick Downes, current councillor Rob Matheson,  and Greg Soucie. The proclamation was made at the Isabel Turner… Keep Reading

Posted on in Entertainment

Avril’s beau Brody Jenner out with Lindsay Lohan

While Avril Lavigne is in Europe, writing songs [her June 4 Twitter post] and obsessing about Hello Kitty, her boyfriend Brody Jenner has been photographed out with Lindsay Lohan. The blogosphere and gossip sites have expressed amazement that Avril’s beau was seen driving Lindsay around on a shopping trip at Fred Segal yesterday. This is… Keep Reading

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Tree-planting ceremony honours long-time employees

A horse chestnut tree was planted behind Gordon Hall in recognition of Queen’s employees celebrating 30 and 35 years of service. A drizzling rain kept the crowd under a tent for most of the ceremony as VP Human Resources Rod Morrison and 30-year employee Kathy Beers thanked the crowd. “It has been an amazing 30… Keep Reading

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Queen’s University Hosts International Educators

Queen’s University will host a week-long program aimed at helping international education practitioners learn how to work more effectively in their workplace. This year the program has attracted more than 150 people to campus, an almost 50 percent increase from last year’s event. IETP program coordinator Alison Cummings said they were glad to see their… Keep Reading

Posted on in Science & Tech

Many Comets Formed Outside Our Solar System

Queen’s University astronomy professor Martin Duncan, and an international team of astronomers, have discovered that many of the comets observed from Earth – including well known comets like Halley, Hale-Bopp and McNaught – may have been formed in orbit around other stars and not our own sun. Using computer simulations, researchers demonstrate that the Sun… Keep Reading

Posted on in Entertainment

Avril Lavigne Admits Obsession with Hello Kitty

Today Napanee’s singer-songwriter Avril Lavigne posted a declaration to her fans on Twitter: OK. I have an obsession…..HELLO KITTY…..I just can’t get enough….. I just can’t get enough! Also according to her recent posts, Avril has been spending a couple of weeks in Europe where –  as of last Sunday – she has already written… Keep Reading

Posted on in Entertainment/News

Bryan Adams Launches Photography Website

Today, Kingston born singer Bryan Adams posted on his Twitter account: i’ve just launched my photography website. check it out if ya have a few minutes… Visiting the site instantly loads a random set of photos from one of his shoots, with a “Photographs” link at the top of the page for visitors to easily… Keep Reading

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