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New Memorial Scholarship to Benefit Inuit Students

The parents of Lindsay Dale Hudson, BA’97, MIR’99, acting on behalf of their family—which includes Lindsay’s brother Graham Hudson, LLM’05, and step-sister Nadine Legare, Artsci/PHE’01—have launched a commemorative scholarship in hopes that some good can come out of Lindsay’s tragic death. She was just 37 when she went for a walk on the snowy tundra… Keep Reading

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Avril Lavigne Gives Video Tour of New Album Studio

This weekend Avril Lavigne gave fans a peek into the studio she music producer Alex Da Kid have been working in while the singer recovers from a bout of strep throat. In the video featuring Lavigne – along with Alex Da Kid and an unnamed female (who Avril nicknamed “Grizzly Bear”) – she gives a… Keep Reading

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Level 1 Heat Alert Issued for Kingston Area Over Weekend

With hot, humid weather forecast for the Sunday and Monday few days in the KFL&A area, KFL&A Public Health is issuing a Level 1 Heat Warning. A Level 1 Heat Alert is issued when temperatures or humidex are forecast to be 36°C for two or more consecutive days. Depending on changes to the forecast for… Keep Reading

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Avril Lavigne Back in the Studio, Has Strep Throat

Thursday evening, Napanee’s Avril Lavigne posted a photo to her Twitter account, showing her wearing a protective mask along with a similarly garbed music producer / song-writer Alex Da Kid: “In the studio with ALEX DA KID, I’ve got strep throat, but I ain’t stoping (sic) my thing! ” Lavigne’s much anticipated fourth album has… Keep Reading

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Ministry of the Environment Finds Algae Blooms in Cataraqui River

The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has advised the KFL&A Public Health that an on-site investigation of the lower Cataraqui River revealed the presence of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). When blue-green algae blooms are visible, there is a risk that this algae could produce toxins. The MOE is doing more tests to analyze the water sample… Keep Reading

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City Council to Review Queen’s Performing Arts Centre Redesign

Kingston, Ontario — A delegation from Queen’s will present the university’s proposed changes to the existing windows and chimney on the site of the new Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts, at the next Kingston City Council meeting August 24. Queen’s design was approved at a meeting of the city’s heritage committee earlier this… Keep Reading

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Queen’s Student Runs 135 Km to Raise Money for Cancer Foundation

Kingston, Ontario — Kevin Simmt (Political Studies, ’11) crossed paths with a mother grizzly bear and two cubs and was swept away – twice – while trying to cross a powerful river all in the name of raising money for cancer. Mr. Simmt, a political science student, and his friend Daniel Biggs spent three days… Keep Reading

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Two Queen’s University Alumni sworn in as Superior Court Judges

Kingston, Ontario — Two Queen’s alumni were sworn in on August 9 as judges of the Superior Court of Justice. The appointments of the Honourable Peter B. Annis, Arts’68, Law’71, and the Honourable John A. McMunagle, Law’85, were announced by the federal Minister of Justice in June. Mr. Justice McMunagle has been a sole practitioner… Keep Reading

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