Stay Active Event Marks Falls Prevention Awareness Month

Published on: 2015/11/09 - in News

Ontario is marking its first Falls Prevention Awareness Month in November and YMCA of Kingston and KFL&A Public Health are partnering up to host a free event.

Stay Active‘ is a program to promote the importance of regular physical activity in preventing falls and healthy independence as our community grows older.

According to KFL&A Public Health, it is estimated that 1 in 3 adults 65 or older fall each year.  For that age group, these falls account for 85% of all injuries that result in hospitalization and 40% of nursing home admissions.

Debbie O’Grady, Physical Activity Specialist at KFL&A Public Health, reports that one of the most important things adults can do to prevent a fall is to be physically active on a regular basis, and that “Having good balance, posture, muscular endurance and core and lower body strength are all very important in preventing a fall. Regular physical activity can help maintain and improve these components of fitness.”

Stay Active‘ will give participants the opportunity to try different fitness activities, learn about the importance of physical activity in falls prevention and about fitness programs that are available in the community for older adults.

Adults 55+ can attend the event on Wednesday, November 18 at the YMCA at 100 Wright Crescent. It will be held from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm with morning refreshments and lunch being served.

The Stay Active event is free but requires interested participants to pre-registration by calling 613-549-1232, ext. 1209.

“In addition to being physically active, there are other things that older adults can do to be pro-active and prevent a fall,” said Public Health Nurse at KFL&A Public Health, Rhonda Lovell. “These include lifestyle and environmental modifications such as checking the home for tripping hazards and having your hearing and vision checked annually. Discussing your risks for falling with your health care provider is an important first step in maintaining your health and independence.”

For information about KFL&A Public Health’s falls prevention resources, phone 613-549-1232, ext. 1180.

PhotoHugo Chisholm (cc2)