Nominations for the 2022 Celebrating Accessibility Awards are now being accepted by the City of Kingston and the municipal accessibility advisory committee (MAAC).
“Accessibility is more than disability. Equitable access benefits everyone in the Kingston community and everything that the community offers,” says Andrew Ashby, Chair, MAAC. “The Celebrating Accessibility Awards recognize and increase awareness of the efforts of community residents, businesses, and organizations to remove barriers, increase inclusivity, and make Kingston more accessible for everyone.”
Nominees must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 21. with finalists chosen by the award selection committee comprised of four members of MAAC.
As part of the application process, applicants will be asked to identify the area(s) that their nominee’s work best reflects: built environment, customer service, design of public spaces, education, employment, health care, information and communication, and transportation.
Established in 2011 by the City of Kingston in partnership with Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee, the awards recognize a person, group or organization that has made or is making a significant contribution beyond legislated requirements, towards improving access for persons with disabilities in Kingston.
More information and nomination forms can be found on the City’s Celebrating Accessibility Awards page. You can also submit a completed nomination form in person at City Hall, 216 Ontario Street.
Photo: Nick Youngson (cc)