City Seeks Nominations for 2017 Civic Awards

Published on: 2017/03/27 - in News

The City of Kingston is now accepting nominations for the 2017 Civic Awards.

Now in its 18th year, the Civic Awards for First Capital Distinguished Citizen and Honourable Achievement Awards will honour individuals who have made a significant contribution to our community through volunteerism.

The First Capital Distinguished Citizen and Honourable Achievement Awards recognizes volunteers of all ages for community contributions in the area of: culture, heritage, recreation, sports, health, education, health care, environment, safety, volunteering or business.

First Capital Distinguished Citizen Awards recognize a lifetime of volunteer work, while Honourable Achievement Awards recognize more specific efforts.

The City also announced a new bursary program for the Mayor’s Awards for Youth Volunteerism. The bursary is being funded by the United Way of KFL&A from proceeds of the 2016 Kingston Penitentiary tours.

Award recipients will receive a bursary with a monetary value catered to each category.

The monetary component of the bursary awards is to support the recipient in their academic endeavors for the Grade 9-12 and post-secondary categories, while the winner of the Grade 5-8 category will receive the funds to support a project of the their choosing or design through their school.

Bursary amounts are as follows:

  • Grades 5-8 – $750 (towards school project of their choice or design)
  • Grades 9-12 – $1,500
  • Post-secondary youth (up to age 24) – $2,000

Recipients of the Civic Award for Youth Volunteerism will have demonstrated one or more of the following attributes:

  • Leadership qualities, challenging themselves and others.
  • Care and compassion for members of the community, particularly those with special needs.
  • Ability to overcome personal challenges to donate their time to volunteer and assist others.
  • Ability to motivate others to achieve and strive for goals.
  • Willingness to mentor fellow youth and others.
  • Has special skills and personally contributes to improving the quality of life of the Kingston community.

All awards will be presented on Canada Day, July 1st, when Canada celebrates its 150th birthday.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons (Laslovarga)
