Although more than 99% of our articles are related to only the immediate Kingston area, there has never been a shortage of interesting news to tell.
We took a look at the Kingston Herald’s most shared pages over the past year and came up with this list of our Top 5 Most Popular Articles in 2016.
#5 – Kingston Medal Recipient Returning to Haiti’s Cite Soleil [Click to Read]
Tammy Aristilde has received multiple local awards and accolades for her charity work in Haiti, including the “2013 First Capital Honourable Achievement Award” presented to her at Kingston City Hall.
In June of this year, she attended an Ottawa ceremony to be presented with the prestigious Meritous Service Medal by the Governor General of Canada.
Not one to rest on her laurels, Tammy was soon on her way back to Haiti to continue working with her team in the Cite Soleil area of Port au Prince.
You should check out all our coverage for her Helping Haiti team’s great work in the Haiti section of the Kingston Herald.
To learn more about her charity and to donate, visit
#4 – Maclean’s: Queen’s University Students Study the Most [Click to Read]
You won’t need too many guesses as to who was sharing this article around! 🙂
The Maclean’s survey determined students at our local university were the most studious in the country, with an average of almost 20 hours of studying time every week.
100 universities were surveyed by the magazine with Queen’s coming out on top, followed by Mount Sackville, McGill, UBC, and McMaster.
#3 – Kingston Filming Begins This Week For Netflix, CBC Miniseries [Click to Read]
We all love it when the TV and Movie people come to town, and this year was no exception.
The Alias Grace mini-series, based on the popular Margaret Atwood novel, filmed some of its final scenes in and near to Kingston Penitentiary in November. Sarah Gadon, the star of the series, posted photos of the shoot to social media and Margaret Atwood herself retweeted a link to the article.
Alias Grace is slated for release in 2017 and will air on the CBC network in Canada and world-wide on Netflix.
#2 – $414,583 Donated to Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research [Click to Read]
All of Kingston, along with the entire country and Canadians around the world, are behind the Tragically Hip frontman in his fight against brain cancer.
At the time of our article in late August, $414,583 had been donated to the Sunnybrook Foundation’s Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research. That amount has increased greatly since then, with donations pouring in from all corners of the country including an award donation from the legendary band RUSH to Halloween’s celebrated Gord Downie mini-me.
You can make a donation to the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research at the Sunnybrook Foundation.
#1 – Dan Aykroyd Posts Tribute to Friend and Former Fiance, Carrie Fisher [Click to Read]
The iconic performers who passed away in 2016 are almost too many to name, and the recent death of actress & writer Carrie Fisher – followed the next day by her Hollywood legend mother, Debbie Reynolds – was the subject of our most shared story for 2016.
Featuring a tribute to Carrie Fisher posted by her friend Dan Aykroyd, whose residence and ancestral home is on Loughborough Lake just outside Kingston, the article also mentions that at one time the two were closer than just friends.
After being set up (in a roundabout way) by John Belushi, Dan later proposed to and was engaged to marry Carrie Fisher during the filming of his 1980 hit movie The Blues Brothers. That engagement was brief – with Carrie later marrying singer Paul Simon – but they continued to remain good friends. Our condolences go out to Dan Aykroyd and to all of Carrie’s friends and family.
We hope the top Kingston Herald articles at the end of next year will all be uplifting and happy stories about the great people of our city and surrounding area.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy and safe 2017 to everyone.
Photo (“Time” statue at Kingston’s waterfront): Aidan Wakely-Mulroney (cc)