The City of Kingston is reminding property owners that they should now have their final property tax bills and the deadline for payment is next Friday, June 28.
Although council approved a 2.5 per cent tax levy increase for 2019, homeowners will have a lower average tax increase this year, according to City treasurer, Desiree Kennedy.
“After incorporating education tax rates, reassessment tax shifts and tax policy adjustments, the average tax increase for residential properties in Kingston will be 1.84 per cent,” explained Kennedy.
The City provided an example residential property with an average assessment increase and assessed value of $319,073, which would amount to $74.45 in taxes. However, final tax bill changes will vary from property to property, based on area rated fire services and property specific reassessment changes.
An insert that comes with the tax bill details the estimated annual cost for municipal services levied on an average residential property. Additional information is available at
To avoid late payment charges, the City must receive payments on or before the due date. Payment options are indicated on your tax bill.
Property owners should be aware that penalty and interest charges on late payments cannot be waived and failure to receive a tax bill does not excuse a ratepayer from the responsibility for payment nor relieve the liability of penalty for late payment, according to the City.
A penalty of 1.25 per cent is charged on unpaid installments on the first day of default and interest of 1.25 per cent is charged on the first day of each month thereafter.
Anyone requiring additional information or who has not received their tax bill can call the customer call centre at 613-546-0000 between 8am and 5pm from Monday to Friday.
Property assessment information is received from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and property tax assessment and tax levy for any Kingston property can be found by using the City’s look-up tool.
Photo (composite): 401kcalculator (cc) & Pixabay (cc)