Kingston Transit Supporting Salvation Army Food Drive

Published on: 2015/11/11 - in Featured News

Non-perishable food items are now being collected by Kingston Transit to support the Salvation Army Community and Family Services’ annual Christmas food drive. Those items can be dropped off on buses until Dec. 18.

“We’ve been assisting The Salvation Army’s Food Drive since 2004 and we are more than pleased to participate in this annual community initiative,” said Kingston Transit Manager, Jeremy DaCosta. “We want to make it easy for riders to contribute canned goods, baby food and formula, and personal hygiene items. Simply place your donated items in the blue or grey bins located at the front of the bus. We’ll take care of delivering all donations to The Salvation Army,”

Kingston Frontenac fans and other residents are invited to help STUFF A BUS with non-perishable food items in support of The Salvation Army Food Drive.

Participate in that event by looking for the Kingston Transit bus parked in front of the Rogers K-Rock Centre from 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday, November 13, when the Frontenacs host the Hamilton Bulldogs at 7 pm.

The Salvation Army expects there will be an increased need for non-perishable food this year and the organization’s goal is to ensure no one in the Kingston area goes hungry.

Last year, The Salvation Army provided over 6,340 households in the Kingston area with basic needs and food.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons