Researchers at Queen’s University are recruiting Kingston children ages 9 to 12 for an Exergaming Study.
The study entitled “Exercise games and physical activity” is being conducted by Dr. Nicholas Graham from the School of Computing at Queen’s University, Dr. Amy Latimer-Cheung from the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Queen’s University, as well as Dr. Ryan Rhodes from the University of Victoria.
Exergaming utilizes interactive exercise equipment and is a new and innovative approach to increasing physical activity.
Children from local families are being sought to participate in a 6-week study that examines how effective interactive video games are in motivating children to be physically active.
Families chosen to join this study will be provided with a gamebike and exercise video games for 6 weeks.
For more information or to participate, email or call (613) 533-6000 ext 79310 .
See also: CKWS TV report below (or watch on Youtube)
Photo: Craig Sunter (cc) | source: Equis Laboratory
| Video: CKWS TV